HR tools that are available to everyone ​

Many of the best technologies for HR and People Operations directors who need to manage a dispersed workforce across borders.

Calculator of global salaries

Calculate the overall cost of employment, including taxes, contributions, and the flat-fee for HrWex service.

The evaluation of the contractor

Wage and hour violations may result in severe penalties and fines if not addressed promptly. Answering a few basic questions will allow you to properly categorise your workers and independent contractors.

Kits enabling legal hiring ​

Looking to employ people from abroad? All the usual legal paperwork you’ll need to get started, including an Engagement Agreement, IP Agreement, and more, are here in an incredibly simple template style for your convenience.

Get started

Fill in the form on the right, and we will contact you to start your onboarding.

Sign up - Start hiring with HRWEX

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